-Ritchie Castallio aka simsfan13576
"This is why we moved out here, son..."

"I've always known this area was known for herds of wild horses...."
"And that this was the only lot available here..."
"I love horses so much, how can I resist?"
"Look at that!"
"Oh my GOD that horse is gorgeous!"
"I want to ride him"
Experiance a heartwearming story.....of a man and his horse....
"Dad........I think he's ready......"
And learn that man and beast can be one...
The Stallion
Chapter 1
I would describe myself as laid-back and friendly. My favorite things to do is hang out with my friend and play with my X-box 360 (Call of Duty,anyone?) My Dad has always told me that I'm a real chick-magnet. Ain't that the truth! So many girls in my school like me, up to the point that the entire varsity football team worships me. Basically thats my life.
This is my sis, Elizavette. She is your average everyday blonde chick that wants everything! I remember Christmas time back when we were little...She was 100% Veruca Salt when it came to toy catalogs. She would point at evey doll, every toy, everything that was pink and say "I WANT IT I WANT IT!!!!" And Im guessing that she kinda lives in my shadow at school. Because all of her friends are interested in me. After they're done flirting with me, they go right into Eliza's face and scream "OMG UR BROTHER IS SOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!! OMG!!!!"(Thats my girly voice) and Eliza usually walks away, cursing them out under her breath.
And this is my father, Jack. He's in his 40s and he is currently our only legal guardian. He raised us very well over the years and is very good with kids of all ages. I only wished that he would get rid of those sideburns, because people are coming up to me in school and saying "HOLY CRAP MAN!! WOLVERINE IS YOUR DAD?!?!" Yeah, I read X-Men comics, And the resemblence between Wolverine and My Dad is frightning...Either way, Dad is doing a great job raising us as teens...I'm sure Mom would be proud.
And Where is our mom?
The good news is that she did not die, she is alive and well and she calls us on an almost daily basis. But the bad news is that Mom and Dad are no longer married. After 2 kids, the exitement in their life slowed to a griding halt. They figured that the marriage was going nowhere anymore and they decided to pull the plug on it. Mom had given us a large sum of money and told my dad, "Use this money to buy youself an new house, and if anyone becomes your girlfriend or you remarry, at least they would have a wonderful man like you." Mom was even nice to him after they broke up!
This is the house we bought with Dad's money. It's a brand new house, built literally a few weeks ago. We live in a very secluded area of Arbordale, so its a trek to go to school, the store and other friend's houses. But its really quiet and serene. Also, I heard that we could see some wild animals wander onto our large property, Probably some deer or something like that.
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