Elizavette: Are. you. SERIOUS?!?!!?!
Jack: Yes, I am. And I'm going to do it.
Elizavette: You really expect to climb on the back of some wild animal and RIDE IT!?!!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F
After giving Dad a MONUMENTAL bollocking, my sister kicked the door open and went into her room.
Jack: Dad is SUCH an idiot! I'm going in my room!
Later, me and Eliza had a quick bull session in her room about Dad's decision to break the wild stallion.
Elizavette: Ryan, what Dad is doing is completley idiotic and he is gonna get killed!
Ryan: I agree!
Elizavette: The man likes horses, I accept that. He used to ride horses when we went to Uncle Dale's ranch every winter, I accept THAT. But getting on a wild one and trying to ride it is just plain stupid!
Ryan: To make matters worse, the horse he is trying to break is a stallion! Stallions are known to be very hot blooded and dangerous! That horse is going to kill him if he makes the wrong move.
Suddenly we heard what sounded like a horse neighing and a voice.
Jack: Easy, boy!
Without hesitation, me and Eliza raced down the stairs and to the back door to find out what was going on.
Ryan: If he is doing what I think he's doing....
Elizavette: He better not be.
When we burst outside we were in for a surprise, immediatly Elizavette facepalmed herself and said-
Elizavette: Please tell me you did'nt just buy a horse...
Jack: I didn't buy him, Eliza. He's a rental.
Ryan: Please tell me what your trying to do.
Jack: I'm going to look for the stallion.
Before I could question him any further, Dad rode off into the forest.
I can assure you, Eliza was not happy about what's going on.
Dad rode across the countryside on the chestnut horse.
Suddenly, Dad yielded the horse and listened to the sound of hoofbeats.
The black stallion darted by so fast, my Dad almost missed him.
The horse had then ran to the lake and reared up on his hind legs.
then, it ran back were it came from.
Jack: That is one fine horse!
By the time the afternoon rolled around, Dad gave the horse back to the stable it belonged to.
Ryan: Dad, did you find the horse?!
Jack: Yes I did! While I was riding by the lake it darted past me, reared up and galloped away right by me! I was so tempted to chase after it but I didn't want to endanger the rental horse. Either way I have another approach to taming this animal.
Ryan: And that would be.....
Jack: Leave out some oats and mabye he'll eat them.
Ryan: Ok Dad.......you do that...
At this point I'm beginning to side with my sister, this idea is taking over my Dad's mind.....
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