My day starts usually like this, with Elizavette sneaking up on me and slamming a water balloon in my face. Leaving me soaking wet.
I usually argue with her and I basically "escape" upstairs to get away from her!
I decided to go into my room and listen to my iPod for a little while
Elizavette does the same, but she sings to her music VERY LOUD! And she isn't nesicarrily Susan Boyle when she sings.
Speaking of which, I haven't seen Dad at all today!
Ryan:Dad? where are you?!
Ryan: You down here?
Ryan: There you are!
Jack: Quiet! look out there!
Ryan: Wow! I thought they would never come here!
Out of all the wild animals I would expect to see, I would NEVER expect to see....
Wild horses.
Jack: Beautiful, aren't they?
Ryan: Yeah, horses are nice animals!
Jack: I acutally know a thing or two about horses. You see the brown one? Thats known as a "bay" horse. You can tell because of its brown coat and dark mane. The one in the middle is a Pinto/Appaloosa mix. And The one on the right is a purebred Palomino if I ever saw one!
Ryan: I never knew you that you know so much about horses!
Jack: This is why we moved out there son, I always knew that this area was known for wild horses and that this was the only lot in the area! I love horses so much how can I resist?
Ryan: We can walk up to the forest's edge if you want a closer look!
We walked closer and closer...
But before we knew it, the horses were gone!
Jack: DAMN! They must have saw us coming!
Ryan: Wild horses are extremley skittish around people, Dad.
Jack: It would have been cool to go closer to them..but your right!!
Me and Dad decided to go inside and have lunch before we go back outside....
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