-Ritchie Castallio aka simsfan13576
Chapter 8
Later that night, Me and Dad spent some time in the jacuzzi because his back was still bothering him in the fall.
Jack: I don't know what happened son, I thought I earned his trust!
Ryan: Dad......he freaked out because you tried to get on his back and he's not domesticated at ALL! He's still a wild animal!! The fact that you got that close to him a few days ago means that you were EXTREMELY lucky!
Suddenly, in the middle of our conversation, we suddenly realized we were not alone....
The black horse had come galloping back to us!
Jack: What's going on!?!
Ryan: Dad.......I think he's ready.....
Jack: Alright....you're not gonna run off on me again, are you?
Jack: Should I put my clothes back on.....
Ryan: I think the stallion wants you to mount him right now....
I held my breath as Dad approached the horse.
Jack: Easy now, boy.....
Dad goes to mount for the second time....
And he is sucsessful!
Ryan: You did it!!! now are gonna ride him?
Dad kicked the horse's sides with the stirrups and the steed darted through the forest with my Dad mounted on him...
For those moments, when Dad rode through the forest on the black stallion, he felt as free as a wild animal. Nearly no clothes, no shame or burdens to hold him down....truly a moment of tranquility....
Then, the horse galloped right back to where I was.
Ryan: DAD!! You did it! I can't belive you actually rode that horse!!
Jack: I couldn't have done it without you, my son....
Jack: Ryan...meet the newest member of our family....
Ryan: Hold up, we're KEEPING him?!
Jack: Yeah! We have a huge backyard, there's got to be enough room to build a stable!!
Elizavette: Alright Dad, so I think its cool that you finally rode the horse and all...but KEEPING it?! That's going to the extremes.
Jack: Eliza, you have NOTHING to worry about, he's not wild anymore! Look outside, he's tethered to the fence!
Jack: So what do you think...
Eliza: Who am I kidding...that horse is gorgeous!!
After 2 weeks of painstaking work, the stable is now complete!
Jack: I'm gonna take the horse out for a trail ride.
Ryan: Alright.
The Stallion seemes very comfortable in his new home.
The one thing my Dad loves doing now is taking the horse out for rides.
I feel that My dad and the stallion are truly a team, man and beast together.....
My Dad has had many friends over the years....
but the Stallion is his best friend....
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