This is it! Today is the big day! July 9th 1991, the day that me and Ian got married! The Eastern Orthodox Chuch is one of the most beautiful churches you could ever see! Perfect for a wedding!
My parents, my best friends all showed up! And even Joe Cavender the lead guitarist for RoughRider came to the church!
The mass was absolutley beautiful, We exchanged our vows, we exchanged our rings and pretty soon the priest said "you may now kiss the bride" Our lips locked in a perfect make-out session as I officialy became Emily Howlett...I am prepared to spend the rest of eternity with the man that means the world to me, Ian.
Melissa: You go, girlfriend!!!
All my friends and family congradulated me on my new marriage.
Its always amazing when there are people there to share your best moments of your life with you!
The reception took place at my house later that night, everyone had a ton of fun, dancing, music, Me and Ian had a little bit too much Champagne (not to mention the wedding cake was already laced with booze) and we were later found spooning in the hallway, dead asleep. Good thing the marriage was already consummated.
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