Ryan: Hey Dad, Eliza went upstairs again mabye the horses came back to graze.
Suddenly, me and Dad heard faint clomping sounds, horse hooves, we presumed.
What we saw outside was amazing.
It was probably the most beautiful, darkest horse I have ever seen. Its gorgeous black fur was stunning.
I could hear Dad say something....
Jack:the black stallion.....
The Black Stallion is my Dad's favorite movie of all time, he even likes it better than James Cameron's Avatar or freakin' Titanic! Hell, he even likes it better than The EXORCIST! Its about a young kid who escapes an exploding cruise ship with a black horse and they become friends and he becomes a racehorse and stuff like that...I don't doubt even for one minute that the horse didn't remind him of that.
But a few moments later, it was gone.
It may sound very strange, but me and Dad's official father/son activity is watching wild horses....
Jack: Son...I've never told this to anyone, not even your sister or your mother...but for the longest time, I had this fantasy of befriending a wild horse to the point that I could climb on it's back and ride it. I would ride completley naked throughout the entire countryside... If I were to do that.....It would be on that beautiful black stallion....
Ryan: Dad, It's a pretty ambitious fantasy, but I would never do it. We studied wild equine in my AP bio class, they get spooked very easily. If you were to use a rope in order to wrangle a wild horse, It's doubtless that it would become so scared that it would rear up in self defense and hoof you right in the head and probably kill you. Horses are usually very docile animals, but when they get scared, they are more vicious than bobcats. But you could always attempt being gentle with the horse and try to lure it to you..don't be surprised if it,or he runs off a few times..
Jack: Ryan...I'm sorry If I'm a bit too fixated on this thing..but you have to admit it would be an amazing experiance.....
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